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Tyre Bulge: How it Occurs, Why it's Dangerous, and How to Fix It –

The tyres are one of the most crucial components of a vehicle, as they support the weight of the car and ensure traction on the road. However, they are also susceptible to damage, which can affect the performance of the vehicle and pose a danger to the driver and passengers. One common type of damage is a bulge in the tyre, which appears as a swelling on the lateral surface of the tyre.
, Tyre Bulge: How it Occurs, Why it's Dangerous, and How to Fix It –
In this article, we will explore how bulges in tyres occur and what causes them. We will also discuss the dangers of driving on tyres with bulges and the methods for fixing them.
Bulges in tyres are typically caused by damage to the cord carcass, which is the foundation of the tyre. If the cord is damaged, the internal pressure of the tyre can create a protrusion on its surface. Common causes of cord damage include hitting potholes, frequent driving up a kerb, manufacturing defects, and car accidents.
, Tyre Bulge: How it Occurs, Why it's Dangerous, and How to Fix It –
Driving on tyres with bulges is dangerous and can lead to a loss of control, severe overheating, and reduced traction. In addition, it can cause premature wear of wheel bearings, suspension damage, and even tyre bursts.
If you discover a bulge in your tyre, it's recommended that you replace the damaged tyre with a new one. While there are methods for repairing a bulge, such as fitting an internal reinforced patch or sewing the damaged area with kapron threads, these methods do not guarantee a permanent fix and should only be used as a temporary solution.
In conclusion, it's essential to check your tyres regularly for signs of damage, including bulges. If you discover a bulge, don't risk your safety or the safety of others by driving on it. Instead, have the tyre replaced as soon as possible.
